Friday, March 4, 2011

Bale'ing Out Of Vacant Real Estate...

After two years, residents of Robinwood are still waiting to see what is to become of the old anchor space at Robinwood Center, formerly known as Bale's. Char Berkham had a great suggestion...

Chuck's Produce in Vancouver, Washington demonstrates one successful alternative model. Not only would something like this fulfill a local need, it would be a retail destination for a broader secondary and tertiary market area.

What can we do to make this kind of business, our business?

What is to become of the Kasch's site...

Now that Les Scwab has cancelled its plans to built a new Tire Center in Robinwood at the old Kasch's site, we are pressed with the challenge and the opportunity to help influence what could happen there. Some suggestions include a new Nursery, a Farmer's market, Kayak shop, a small retail cottage industry, or the seed of new mixed-use development. The latest business Survey conducted by the City's Economic Development Committee suggests the need for affordable office space, improved pedestrian circulation, denser business activity zones with more interaction and public contact, businesses that cater to local needs, and more local employment opportunity.

What can we do there to make someone's business our business?